Kathryn Faggotter

JLF Trek SA 2024

I’m taking part in The JLF Trek to raise awareness for the early detection and prevention of bowel cancer.

I'm back to do the JLF trek for the ninth time this year. I'm looking forward to hitting the trails again and enjoying the scenery around Murray Bridge and Monarto with fellow trekkers.

As always, I do this trek in memory of my Dad Ross Sawley who died at age 47 in 1986 of bowel cancer that was detected at an advanced stage.
Along with my father in law Brian and family friend Rosalie who have both passed of bowel cancer.
I want to continue to raise awareness of the importance of the early detection in the fight against bowel cancer.
I hope you take the time to talk to your GP if you have any symptoms and take the free test the government sends to all of us who are over 50. It might just save your life.
If you can make a donation of any amount to the Jodi Lee Foundation so they can continue the work of spreading the message of early detection that would be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you


My Achievements

Fundraising Page

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

JLF 2024 completed

Tuesday 7th May
It was a chilly and misty start on Saturday at Murray Bridge as we headed off towards Monarto.
The sandy, rocky and hilly terrain of Kinchina Conservation park were a challenge but the friendly volunteers at the aid stations looked after us and kept us fuelled for the final stretch on to Monarto and the finish line. 
We made it to the finish line at 2.20 and enjoyed the celebrations and catching up with other trekkers.
Thanks for all the donations and messages of support and don't forget, take the test!

Thank you to my Donors


Michael Ede

A great cause Kathryn





Gulshan Vadivelmurugan

Appreciate your continued efforts to raise awareness!


Michael Parker

Great work Kathryn! Good luck on the trail.


Jamie Porter

Good luck Kathryn!


Kathryn Faggotter


Pauline Sawley

Well done Kathryn! Mum


Andrew Waugh

Well Done Kathryn. Enjoy the walk and thank you for making the effort.



Brilliant effort!


Jo Bentley

Well done Kathryn, inspirational as always


Lubi Kierno

Keep spreading the word Kathryn!


Maria Bellmas

Inspiring as always - go K!!





Gareth Hall


Pete Muller


Romesh Jayasundera

Great work as always Kathryn. This is a great cause and happy to support in any way possible :)


Diane Sinclair

You got This Kathy every year you do this I know how lucky I am and ohers You go girl xxx Disey & Jimbo


Liz & Wayne

Super effort Kathryn! You are truly inspirational!!



Well done Kathryn...!


Andrew Leslie

Great job Kathryn


Lou Temby


Martina O’connell

Good Luck Kathryn! You will do great!


Carrie Taylor

Great work for a great cause Kathryn! Enjoy the hike.


Andrew Ferrier

Well done Kathryn :)


Lisa Dutschke

Awareness is vital Kath and thanks for you sharing this info and stats.



You got this Kathryn! Just remember our time on Ultra Adelaide while you’re out there! 🤣 💪


Lisa Jones


Christie Chikwanda

Go Kathryn! What a great cause


Tanya Trewartha


Rachel Norman

Great work, Kathryn!


Jen Walker

Well done ladies